Omitting Fields

Sometimes you want a field present, other times you don’t. This is often the case when you want to skip fields which have null or empty values.

FakerMaker.factory :user do 
  name {'Patsy Stone'}
  email(omit: :nil) {''}
  admin {false}

=> {:name=>"Patsy Stone", :email=>"", :admin=>false}

FM[:user].build(email: nil).as_json
=> {:name=>"Patsy Stone", :admin=>false}

The omit modifier can take a single value or an array. If it is passed a value and the attribute equals this value, it will not be included in the output from as_json (which returns a Ruby Hash) or in to_json methods.

There are three special modifiers:

  • :nil (symbol) to omit output when the attribute is set to nil
  • :empty to omit output when the value is an empty string, an empty array or an empty hash
  • :always to never output this attribute.

These can be mixed with real values, e.g.

FakerMaker.factory :user do 
  name {'Patsy Stone'}
  email(omit: [:nil, :empty, '']) {''}
  admin {false}

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