
FakerMaker generates factories that build disposable objects for testing. Each factory has a name and a set of attributes.

FakerMaker.factory :user do 
  name {'Patsy Stone'}
  email {''}
  admin {false}

This will generate a User class with the attributes name, email and admin which will always return the same value.

It is possible to explicitly set the name of class which is particularly useful if there is a risk of redefining an existing one.

FakerMaker.factory :user, class: 'EmailUser' do 
  name {'Patsy Stone'}
  email {''}
  admin {false}

The class name will always be turned into a Ruby-style class name so email_user would become EmailUser.

Because of the block syntax in Ruby, defining attributes as Hashes requires two sets of curly brackets:

FakerMaker.factory :response do 
  body { { title: 'First Post', content: 'This is part of a hash' } }

Blocks are executed in the context of their instance. This means you can refer to variables already defined:

FakerMaker.factory :user, class: 'EmailUser' do 
  title {'Ms'}
  name {'Patsy Stone'}
  formal_name {"#{title} #{name}"}
  email {''}
  admin {false}

Fields with no block (or reference to another factory) will be nil.

FakerMaker.factory :request do 

# => nil

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Copyright © 2019-2020 Nigel Brookes-Thomas. Distributed by an MIT license.