JSON Field Names

JavaScript likes to use camelCase, Ruby’s idiom is to use snake_case. This can make make manipulating factory-built objects in ruby ugly. To avoid this, you can call your fields one thing and ask the JSON outputter to rename the field when generating JSON.

Faker Maker provides two mechanisms for dealing with this.

Factory-wide attribute name re-writing (since 1.1.10)

Using the :naming option to the factory, you can specify a naming strategy. Currently supported are:

  • :json camelCase with lowercase first letter
  • :json_capitalized CamelCase with uppercase first letter
FakerMaker.factory :vehicle, naming: :json do
  wheels { 4 }
  colour { Faker::Color.color_name }
  engine_capacity { rand( 600..2500 ) }

v = FM[:vehicle].build
v.engine_capacity = 125


=> "{\"wheels\":4,\"colour\":\"blue\",\"engineCapacity\":125}"

Per-attribute naming

You can override the name of the attribute on the individual attribute level.

FakerMaker.factory :vehicle do
  wheels { 4 }
  colour { Faker::Color.color_name }
  engine_capacity(json: 'engineCapacity') { rand( 600..2500 ) }

v = FM[:vehicle].build
v.engine_capacity = 125


=> "{\"wheels\":4,\"colour\":\"blue\",\"engineCapacity\":125}"

Combining the two approaches

If the factory has a :naming strategy defined and an attribute has its own :json name defined, the attribute’s :json name will take precedence.

Copyright © 2019-2020 Nigel Brookes-Thomas. Distributed by an MIT license.